Learning another language is a bit like becoming someone else by Haruki Murakami

“Learning another language is a bit like becoming someone else”. This quote reflects what I felt through my experience at Imagine English Language Academy, in fact I have greatly improved my practice of English through dynamic and very well taught courses. This changes us from the English courses that we learn at school when we […]

Student Graduation

We are happy to announce that our Omani student graduation this week (August 2015). Our Imagine English student graduation event and meal was held at Kimos restaurant in Liverpool city centre. Our students all received a graduation certificate and we had a great time chatting about the English language, getting lost on the wrong train, mountains in the Omani […]

Learning English for an interview

The job market is so competitive at this uncertain time, so we here at Imagine English have compiled 8 English phrases that will be useful for an interview.  Learning English for business purposes could be the decisive factor within your success. Undoubtedly, being a multi-lingual is a major asset. Whether applying here in Liverpool or […]

7 Reasons to learn English

Learning English in Liverpool has plentiful benefits. Now, more than ever it is so important for us all to upskill ourselves. There are undoubtedly numerous benefits to being able to speak more than one language and we have given you some motivation to learn English today! 1. Career Prospects It has been a very tough […]